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March 15, 2023

Hanuman Reaches for the Sun, Mistaking it for a Pomelo

Para Vadhahong

That sunset-twisted flesh

rolling past the horizon

of this gaping mouth

          soaking up filaments

          of light any other name

          would yield as much flight

don’t disguise yourself

I am your lone devourer

          swallowing east

          until you, my love,

          dissolve from star to island

each sphere of fruit

flung awry across air

          and time what barely-bundled time

          in this rocking wheel

          of manmade years

when these hands are animal

in the golden age of animals

          this good gut is not

          hand-trained but wired

unload your globe

into the circle made

of a monkey’s paw

          and I promise this: you won’t fall.


PARA VADHAHONG is a poet and writer. Their work is published and forthcoming in Hyacinth Review, Kingdoms in the Wild, INKSOUNDS, Lover’s Eye Press, Salt Hill Journal, HaluHalo, Ice Lolly Review, Whimsical Press, and more. They write about mythology, Thai culture, history, love, monsters, and everything in between. They can be found @poetryparsonage on Twitter.

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