March 15, 2023
Enemy of the Gods
Kristin Houlihan
The malicious trickster swapped all my soup spoons for slotted and left me with a bowl of broth. Lurking in the shadows, he’s always ready to steal a spoon or two, or add to the collection, only to snatch the newfound bounty from between my fingertips, precious vessel disappearing like a mirage as I reach toward it, or disintegrating in my hands like the ancient wrappings of a mummy. Shapeshifting devil torments me; watching my pathetic, weakening efforts to realize my inventory, Loki laughs.
KRISTIN HOULIHAN is a newly-disabled, chronically ill editor-turned-writer. She writes (mostly) poetry to make sense of and share her experiences from bedridden life with Long Covid Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Kristin is blessed to share her life and home with her favorite five people: her husband and four children, who are an endless source of support and joy. She loves books, the ocean, and listening to her family laugh together. Kristin published her debut chapbook, Lift the Mask, in 2022; in addition to Mood 1 from Full Mood Mag, her work has also appeared in Paddler Press, Voidspace, Corporeal, Wishbone Words, and Roi Faineant Petites. Find Kristin at or on Twitter @theedifyingword.