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March 15, 2023

Genesis 2:31

Stephanie Holden

and god saw every thing

that he had made,     and

behold, it was very good

  • genesis 2:31

you are your own god   re

born  under      a         new

name  on   the   sixth  day

you took a rib  from   your

skeleton built  a   man   of

your     own         creation;

molded     him      in     the

likeness of someone  you

have yet to meet      a  life

is  a   laborious  thing    to

create,    and  scars    will

come    and      then    will

fade  but   tomorrow      is

the  seventh day           on

the   seventh     day    you

will finally


STEPHANIE HOLDEN (she/they) is a Halloween-loving queer living in New Orleans, Louisiana. She writes about love, trauma, gore, and the self. Her interests are fantasy books, body modification, and the South. Find her work at or forthcoming in Ghost City Press, Kissing Dynamite, The B’K, Dollar Store Mag, Voidspace, Bullshit Lit, The Madrigal, and elsewhere, or her narcissistic tweets at @smhxlden.

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