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March 15, 2023

Lamentations of the Forgotten Gods

Christine Joy Teopaco

my soul dances

          around the soil in naked celebration, winds peak

          over my chest, tiny mounds rise on my skin

and I give myself away, and away,

          and I soar upwards freely—desperately—clawing against phantom air—

          baring myself

to Mayari—Moon Goddess—Ruler of Night,

          the one-eyed sister of the greedy sun and dusted stars. the

          warrioress–who was put down like the rest of them,

the forgotten gods

          —purged by the ‘Almighty God’—the white God,

          now hidden far beneath the burned leaves–ash and dust.

killed by the god killer,

          oh, the wretched celebrated one.

          I scorn and turn away from you, thief.

so let this broken song echo and

          float to you, scattered like burnt-out fireflies,

          beating like a weak heart for your guidance.

rebirth your astounded glory.

          let the blinded nation see your illuminating beauty,

          so that they, too, dance to your abandoned song.

blessed be, may we find our way home.


CHRISTINE JOY TEOPACO is a Filipino-American broke writer with a rich soul, who wishes she lived in the fantastical worlds she reads about. She graduated from the University of Arizona with a dual degree in Creative Writing and English. She loves three things for sure: late night ramen, fictional, morally gray protagonists, and witty character banter. She’s been previously published in Mixed Mag and has published one children’s book through Make Way for Books. She writes to challenge, comfort, and encourage. Twitter: @CJT_words

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