June 17, 2022
the eager heart is red: a haunting
Alison Lubar
Sunday 12:13 AM
hey, had a great time
tonight /sun-colored
yeah me too
we should do it again
sometime /can you hear
the clink of these champagne
flutes/ there’s a great place
downtown w a great
HH special
Sunday 11:04 AM
(thumbs up)
i’ll check my work schedule
this week–that big project
coming up is going to be
a headache /purple pixel
monster a digital demon/blue
rivers on a yellow face, yellow
like your second-grade rain boots,
the middle yellow light as yield
or speed UP/
(thumbs up)
yeah it sounded like it! you got
this, def /fist and bicep/is this
a high-five or a prayer?/
Tuesday 5:31 PM
hey you /a fallen parenthetical
right side up on a yolk-face/
what’s the rest of your week
like? how’s work work work
(thumbs down)
ugh, annoying.
yeah, same. /solidarity heart
in red/ going out w some
friends for HH thursday
if you’re down.
same spot. /a glass filled
with something red/
(heart, eager, pink,
drowned in blue)
yeah maybe
Thursday 4:57 PM
headed out now! hope to
see you there /three sparkles
as stars or effervescence burst/
Thursday 11:14 PM
hello hello hello /blackeyed
white sheet pink tongue
spectral death end end
/three grey dots like a tabletop
waltz drum then disappear/
/the ghost winks back/
Alison Lubar teaches high school English by day and yoga by night. They are a queer, nonbinary femme of color whose life work (aside from wordsmithing) has evolved into bringing mindfulness practices, and sometimes even poetry, to young people. Their debut chapbook, Philosophers Know Nothing About Love, is out now with Thirty West (May 2022); you can find out more at http://alisonlubar.com/ or on Twitter @theoriginalison.